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DIY Textured Abstract Art

It’s no surprise that I love a good piece of art. I grew up spending a lot of my time in the art studio, my sister and I try to visit an art museum in every new city we go to, and I spend hours searching Pinterest and Instagram for art and new artists. I love a good piece of art, and I believe homes should be filled with art of all kinds. The problem is art is expensive, and I can‘t always spend all the money on art. So sometimes I need to get creative.

One of my favorite people on Instagram, This Minimal House, did her own DIY Textured Art. Once I saw her piece, I knew had to create on myself. See all the details for how I created my own art! It completed lightened up our hallway and completed the look we were going for in our hallway.

How to Create Textured Art


Hair Comb

Paint (if you want some dimension for the mud pan)


1. To to make your canvas, cut the 2in furring strip to size to the correct size. You will need two pieces for the length and 2 pieces for the width. If the length or width is over 3ft, you will a middle piece for support. If you do not want to make your own canvas, here is a great option. I wanted a 4ft x 2ft canvas, so I cut two pieces that were 4 ft long and 3 pieces that were 2 ft long.

2. Build the frame and and attach at the ends using the brad nailer. Make sure the angles are at 90 degrees using the angle square.

3. Attach the middle piece using a brad nailer to stabilize the frame.

4. Cut the canvas drop cloth so there is enough room on each side to staple on the inside of the furring strip.

5. Starting with the shortest sides, pull the cloth tight and staple on the inside of the wood. Do one staple on each side to start. This will ensure the drop cloth is tight across all sides and will not move as you staple the rest.

6. Pick one side to start with and begin pulling the canvas tight and stapling every few inches. Wait to staple the corners until all the sides are tight and stapled.

7. Pull and fold the corners so they are tight and as flush to the wood as possible. Staple each of the corners together.

8. This is what your canvas should look like! Nice and tight.

9. Now you can start on the fun part! Poor the joint compound into the mud pan. Make sure you have enough so you will not have to make more while you are doing this. Poor water into the mud pan and mix using the joint knife until it is a thick and smooth consistency.

10. If you want some dimension, then you can add some paint to the mud. I added some old gray wall paint. I didn’t mix it all the way so there would be dimension there. I just added just a little bit of the paint until I like the color.

11. Working quickly, spread the joint compound in a thin layer all across the canvas using the joint knife.

12. Using the joint knife and the comb, start creating texture. This can be done in whatever pattern or format you want. Use your creativity! This was the end result of mine. What do you think?

13. The final touch is the frame! Cut the 3in common board to the size of the canvas and sand.

14. Stain the frame pieces using your favorite stain and let dry. I used Early American by Varathane. One of my favorite stains.

15. Attach the stained common board to the canvas using the brad nailer. I attached this from the inside of the canvas so you did could not see the nail marks from the outside of the frame. Here is the final product!

What do you guys think?? This project cost around $50 and only took an afternoon to finish. I really like it, and I think it makes a great addition to this hallway.

Are you going to create your own DIY Art? Send me some pics of what you create!


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